GCC Backend on GNU/Linux with GCC/GNAT


There are some dependencies for building GCC (gmp, mpfr and mpc). If you have not installed them on your system, you can either build them manually or use the download_prerequisites script provided in the GCC source tree (recommended): cd /path/to/gcc/source/dir && ./contrib/download_prerequisites.

  • First configure GHDL, specify GCC source directory and installation prefix (like /usr/local or /opt/ghdl).
  • Next, invoke make copy-sources to copy GHDL sources in the source directory.
  • Then, configure GCC. The list of --disable configure options can be adjusted to your needs. GHDL does not require all these optional libraries and disabling them will speed up the build.
  • Now, build and install GCC with make.
  • Last, build and install GHDL libraries.


$ cd <ghdl>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --with-gcc=/path/to/gcc/source/dir --prefix=/usr/local
$ make copy-sources
$ mkdir gcc-objs; cd gcc-objs
$ /path/to/gcc/source/dir/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-languages=c,vhdl \
--disable-bootstrap --disable-lto --disable-multilib --disable-libssp \
--disable-libgomp --disable-libquadmath
$ make -j2 && make install
$ cd /path/to/ghdl/source/dir
$ make ghdllib
$ make install


Note that the prefix directory to configure gcc must be the same as the one used to configure GHDL. If you have manually built gmp/mpfr/mpc (without using the script in contrib), and, if you have installed them in a non-standard directory, you may need to add --with-gmp=GMP_INSTALL_DIR.


If your system gcc was configured with --enable-default-pie (check if that option appears in the output of gcc -v), you should also add it.


If you don’t want to install makeinfo, do make install MAKEINFO=true instead.